I've undergone a lot of growth in the past few years. My sincere desire is to finally have my "conversion" moment as Enos did in The Book of Mormon. I am working diligently in every moment of my life to remain focused on this goal, the goal to no longer have any desire to do evil. But I can't experience that until I had rid myself of some of the demons I deal with on a daily basis. I know what my goal is, but honestly, right now I feel like Alice when she finds the pathway and then the broom dog comes along and sweeps away both the remaining path and the path she's already travelled.
This blog is a record of my journey to create my own path, and to make it the path that Heavenly Father would have me travel. I know that I am here because of Him and that He has a purpose for me. I will dedicate my life to His service and doing what He would have me do. I just need to find out what that is. I am finding it in every day life events, which I record here.
I have done and said things in the past that I regret sincerely. But I am a new person and have rededicated my life to the Savior. I have put my old ways behind me and am dedicated to living an unselfish and God serving life. I don't know yet how to do that. But I am making little changes and progress every day.
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