Sunday, April 11, 2010

If Boobs Were Brains I'd Be Really Smart

It's time to face the fat! Er, I mean facts. . . My baby, Miriam, is now 5 weeks old. And what do I have to show for it? A size 14 waste and boobs full of milk that I can't seem to fit comfortably in any bra. But, that's the price I pay for breastfeeding, I guess.

Miriam was born by C-section. My first child, Joshua, was born by C-section as well. Never in my life have I ever pain like that of a C-section. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies DOG. However, my pregnancy with Miss Miriam made my recovery with Joshua feel like a walk in the park. Throughout my pregnancy I experienced several complications, one of which was losing the ability to walk. When they took Miriam out I immediately felt relief. I wanted to jump up and run around. When they took me back to my room I begged them to let me get up and walk around. They wouldn't let me for 24 hours. So here I am, five weeks late, and ready to run a marathon. . . mentally that is. I went to the alley behind our house on Saturday to run. Now, keep in mind that not only have I not run in at least 10 months, but I hardly walked. So, I was mentally ready to run. I had psyched myself up: "You're gonna eat lightenin' and you're gonna crap thunder!" But, as I started running I was glad that home wasn't far away. After a quarter of a mile my jello legs were giving up, I was envisioning my incision splitting open and me left in the alley with my inside strewn about for the birds. I had nothing left to get to me home. I was running on hopes and dreams.

So here is real life: I couldn't run to the front door if my house was on fire! I used to run in college, but I stopped when I was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome because running is too hard on my joints. But, I realized recently that everything hurts my joints, so I may as well enjoy life. It's like when people tell you not to drink diet sodas because it will give you cancer. Well, everything will give you cancer so just drink the darn coke and be happy. Going out in the sun, warming up leftovers in the plastic container, BREATHING. . . it all gives you cancer. So Ive resolved to drink my diet coke and be happy.

Here is my plan:

Goal: A half marathon. I'd like to go to DC and participate in a half marathon around DC.

Time frame: one year. (remember, I'm going from not walking at all AND I have EDS)

Plan: I'll just do month one for now
week one: Run every other day, increasing distance by a quarter lap each run.
walk on days in between.
week two: able to return to the gym after baby. run every other day as before.
walk or swim on days in between.
add one day of strength training
week three: run 4 out of five days. work on speed this week instead of distance
swimming and strength training twice in this week
week four: run four out of five days. work on distance
strength training two days

Start April 12: I took 8 minutes to run 1/4 mile. So I guess that's a 32 minute mile. hahahaha! excellent. remember, I'm going from not walking and surgery recovery here.

I'd like to do some weight management in here to, so here goes!!

Starting weight: 186 lbs (just had a baby, just had a baby, just had a baby. . . )
Goal weight: 140 lbs

But, let's be realistic here. I think the last time I saw 140 was elementary school! jk. I've always been around 150 so I am comfortable with that. That's more realistic. That's more like real life. . . in Laymon's terms ;)


  1. Can I just say that running is definitely one of those things you shouldn't be doing until AT LEAST after your 6 week check-up....ESPECIALLY after a c-section!!!! Don't make me worry about you like that!!!

  2. I know, I know. It's so hard though. To have experienced what I did in my pregnancy. . . To not even be able to leave my bed because of the pain and then feel perfectly well in a matter of days makes it so hard to not take advantage of it. I think my subconscious thinks my mobility will go again just like it came and went throughout the pregnancy.

    My 6 week is this week!!! Yea!! I made it!

  3. Progress Report:

    I was successful and fulfilled my goals for this week.

    Duration: .6 miles (remember, it was a feat for me just to make it from the bed to the bathroom--all of 10 steps).

    Time: 1/3 mile in 3 minutes and 59 seconds
    2/3 mile in 8 minutes and 44 seconds

    So I guess I have about a 12 minute mile now. That's good progress for one week! But then again, anything would be good progress from a 32 minute mile!

    Weight: 188 lbs. What the heck???

  4. Progress Report:

    I completed all of my goals (if you count grocery shopping in Sam's Club and Kroger a "walk"-- and I do!).

    Duration: 1.5 miles; I increased my duration by more than 100%. My C-section recovery is going very well!

    Time 1.5 miles in 20 minutes exactly. So I think that makes it a 12 and a half minute mile. But focusing on distance instead of speed I think slowed me down. And that's okay. I'm proud of my mile and a half!!

    I did a .6 mile run just to compare to last week and I decreased my time by 40 seconds. So I improved a little in both areas depending on what my focus was for that day.

    I did my one day of strength training. I didn't do as much as I had planned because it was my first day back and I got a little distracted talking with old friends ;).

    Weight: 187 lbs. ugh. baby weight. . . so frustrating. I lost my weight fast with Josh. argh. . .
