So you know those silly flowers people put on their baby's heads? The one's that just swallow up the kid? I think they're silly, but I have every intention of putting them on Miriam. . . Anyway, for as long as I can remember Dad has really disliked those and any kind of "head gear," as he put it, on baby's heads. I first saw the big flower trend at church when I was visiting my parents. Dad said, "Why don't you just put an umbrella on the kids head?!" My Dad has not met Miriam yet, but will next Wednesday. When I go to pick him up from the airport I plan to have Miriam wearing this:

My mom says she looks like the Chiquita Banana ladies with fruit on their heads. As you can see, Miss M doesn't find it quite so funny:

Every time I walk down the fake flower isle at craft stores I think of my wedding and just laugh. I got married in Arizona on the hottest day of the year. The week before it was beautiful with perfect temperatures. I had my wedding reception in my Grandma Ida's backyard and she planted so may beautiful flowers. They had peaked and were just perfect exactly one week before I got married. Then it started getting hotter and hotter every day. Almost all the flowers had burned up. So the days of the wedding Gram went out and bought a lot of fake flowers and stuck them in various places around the yard. So, I had my "Daddy/daughter" dance and I thought my Dad was going to start crying, but he was really just trying hard not to bust up laughing. Then he said, "Did Grandma put those fake flowers in the planters?!" I turned to look and sure enough, like firecrackers from the soil were unnaturally bright fake flowers towering over the burnt yellow Marigolds. It looked quite silly. But, Gram was sweet for trying to make day beautiful. I love my Grandma Ida!
If anyone at home is reading this, don't tell Dad.
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