don't take a picture of yourself. Haha. Joshua cracks me up sometimes. I was looking through the pictures and thinking, "I don't remember taking this one." and then I saw these. haha. I will be teaching him how to use the camera just in case if this ever happens again. That is my "parenting style." If Joshua discovers something he normally shouldn't be using, I just teach him how to do it properly instead of abandoning the object altogether. I've done that fromo the time he was first mobile. And I will do the same with Miriam. Doing things that way has helped things to not be so "desirable." I explain everything to him. If I am using a chemical cleaner I explain what it is used for, why i am using it and how to use it. Then he doesn't mistake it for something else. I don't know how much he understands, but I can say that he has never had a problem with chemical cleaners, sharp objects, etc. I have never had to baby proof my house because I just explain everthings use to him and he understands for the most part. I hope I will have a similar experience with Miriam. So I showed him how to use the camera and this is what he did.
I don't think I understand how to do pictures now. . .
i think it's sweet he took a picture of miriam:)