Novel Time Line

My degree is in English. My focuses are British Literature for 1600-1920 (so basically Shakespeare to Oscar Wilde), writing and editing. I've always wanted to write and have sat down to write a million and a half times. I just never felt like any of it was "my story." When I enter the literary world I wanted to enter with a bang! One day I was watching a movie with my husband and asked myself a question that started like this: "What if we lived in a world where. . . ?" And then it was like clanging bells and fireworks! That was my story! I finally had it! And so I set out to write! But I have to wrap up things in my custom window treatments business before I can really dive in. I'm putting my time line here in hopes of seeing it regularly and sticking to it!

Character Development and analysis: June 14th, 2014
Synopsis: July 12th, 2014
Back story/history/timeline: August 16th, 2014
Novel timeline of events: September 20. 2014
Rough Draft: March 31, 2015.

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