Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Yesterday was great. I acted on my prompting. My kids had a snow day from school, so I asked them who they had been thinking about or missing or thinking might need to smile. They mentioned the name of a lady in our ward whose grandson died recently. We made her cupcakes and got her some tulips and took them over to her house in the afternoon. I truly do understand now that we make it so our minds are consumed in serving or thinking of others then we don't have any room left to be bogged down by other personal anxieties. After this experience, I feel like I am a little bit better and that I have improved that much more.

As I improve in my personal and spiritual life I can feel those thoughts that get me down creep in. And they are destructive. They have the potential to do significant damage to myself and to my family. But I am grateful for the inspiration I had that has supplied me with a tool to combat that destructive thoughts. I truly do feel that the Lord wants me to be happy and to not be bothered by things that were in the past and don't matter anymore.

I am scared about whether or not I will be able to combat what will be thrown my way as I continue to improve myself and continue to grow closer to my Savior. But I truly know now that in the strength of the Lord, I can do all things. There is no other way.

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