Sunday, March 10, 2013

I'm having a very hard time. I am struggling with depression and I don't want to go back on Cymbalta. I hated the Cymbalta, but I just can't handle life. I am always alone. I have no one to turn to. I try calling my mom and she is way too busy with my sister and her divorce to even talk to me. I am all alone all the time. And it's times like these that I regret even leaving Arizona. What was I thinking?!

I am just so sad all the time. I try to stay busy with work and my kids to distract me, but nothing can seem to overcome the sadness. I know we are never truly alone because Christ knows how we feel, but I can't help but think to myself that Christ doesn't change diapers, make dinner, clean the bathrooms, do the homework. I am overwhelmed and it is depressing me out of my mind!

I have been listening to a lot of hymns and conference talks and I was listening to a hymn that said we will not let in the evils that weaken us. I definitely feel weak right now. But what am I supposed to do to get rid of that feeling? It's just an emptiness that is always there. I have no one to tell, no one to turn to, no one to talk to. I'm just all alone all the time.

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