Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Realizing the damage done

This past week I have noticed a huge change in my children's beahvior as I have made these changes in my life. They are so much happier and are behaving so well.

Joshua has always been a happy kid, but he has been so happy and cooperative this past week.

Miriam has always had an attitude and said, "No!" a lot. She had sudden outbursts when frustrated. She has not done any of that in over a week!

I'd like to say that I wish I had done this sooner, but honestly, I had No Clue how to do it. And even when I made the decision I had no clue how to do it. I still am walking in the dark a little bit. And honestly, I think if it had happened any sooner that things might have been a little different. There were just some things I was not ready to let go of.

I am enjoying training for this marathon. I have a clear mind and I feel like I can set an achieve goals now. I didn't feel that way before. I felt like my mental road blocks always got in the way. But elliminating certain people from my life has completely elliminated my road blocks.

My family is happier and my children are pregressing so much in good behavior and positive attitudes. Every day I see how much this change was the right decision to make.

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